ORANGE GLORY Mod: Tiny Terror upgrade kit - Ver 2.0

Tiny Terror ORANGE GLORY MOD - DIY kit V2.0 
BUY it Now for just 39,90 Euro Worldwide shipping: 8,50 Euro TEMPORARILY

The Orange Glory mod is an upgrade kit for the Orange Tiny Terror amp.

The Tiny Terror is really a great amp for practice, rehearsal and even live gigs.
This amp is known also for a bunch of minor issues like muddy bass response, fizzy distortion and a extremely tube wearing BIAS setting.

The Orange Glory mod kit will fix these issues introducing small circuit variations and replacing the most important parts on the circuit board with quality parts.

NEW! The Orange Glory Mod is back in stock in a new improved version, featuring the same brightness control previously released for the British GloryMod.

After the mod your amp will sound wider and more musical. The Orange Glory Mod provides better notes definition and better palm muting response. The sound gains depth and complexity, while retaining its distinctive Orange flavour.

The Orange Glory mod kit uses premium quality parts to improve the sound of your amp.

The Orange Glory mod v. 2.0:
  • Gets rid of fizzy distortion and muddy tone;
  • Tighten bass response (for better palm muting)
  • Brightness switch! NEW 
  • Enhance sound quality, dynamic and touch response;
  • Better biasing, for extended tubes life;
  • Easy to install and reversible;
  • Uses Premium quality capacitors, resistors and parts;
  • Suitable for all territories and mains voltages

The Orange Glory Mod kit includes an illustrated printed manual written for users with basic soldering skills.
If you prefer you can ask a skilled professional for the installation: it will require less than 2 hours, so it should be a quite inexpensive work.

Tiny Terror ORANGE GLORY MOD - DIY kit V2.0
BUY it Now for just 39,90 Euro
Worldwide shipping: 
8,50 Euro


Any questions? Take a look to the F.A.Q. page or send an email to:


  1. I just installed the Orange Glory mod in my TT.
    So how does it sound? It is a huge improvement in the sound and useability of the TT. It has tons of top end that was not there before and much more detail and clarity across all frequencies. The stock TT is a great little amp but versatility is not one of its strong points. Stock, it tends to be a dull and muddy sounding little monster. This is ok in your bedroom but in a band/performance setting it gets lost in the mix. The Orange Glory mod fixes all that. You will not believe the top end you get out of the TT with the Orange Glory mod. In my opinion the stock TT is too muddy and deficient in top end to make a humbucker sound decent. After the mod, your Les Paul or other humbucker guitars will sound awesome. You will find yourself rolling back the treble a bit on your Strat or Tele. Nice to be able to go both ways rather than wish you had more top end!
    The kit includes a couple of extra capacitors to further tweek the amount of treble and bass
    frequencies. So you have some options.I like it the way Michele designed it. By the way, Michele is a nice guy and a great communicator. His instructions for the mod are perfect. I didn't need any further help but I am sure he would be pleased to provide online support if you need it.
    I think the "Orange Glory" mod is excellent and well worth the expense and effort. Be aware that the TT PCB is quite fragile and tricky to work on. But if you take your time and are careful you will be fine. It took me about 3 1/2 hours to take it apart, remove parts, add the new parts, reassemble and get sound out of it. When I fired it up it worked first time. I was happy!
    BC, Canada

  2. hello,
    just installed the kit, the sound is more dynamic, cleaner, and the bass response is tighter.. More sustain and harmonics, Nice to try for the price!

    thanks Michele!

    Loïc from France

  3. Orange glory Mod totally rules!
    I was pretty happy with my Original Terror, but after the mod everything is better! Classic Orange sound, more definition, less fuzz, more dynamic.
    Thank you guys!

  4. The OGM makes such a big difference, very impressive. The tone is fat and clear with nice treble and lots of definition.
    Another great development from these guys after the British Glory Mod which turned my TT 1 into a screaming monster.
    What's next? LOL

  5. Can this mod be fitted to the Orange tiny terror hard wired edition?

  6. I bought the TT at first but something in its sound wasn't right for my ears...
    I followed Michele insctructions :
    made the Orange Glory Mod,
    add a choke
    and finally change tubes (5751 in V1 and ECC82 in V2)
    All I can say is that I'm really really happy with my sound
    it's got nice low end, nice cleans, superb overdrives
    I can use the gain from 0 to 10 ! Each position is important
    Goodbye harshness and fizzy sound
    Thanks a lot for your work !

  7. Hi!
    I bought a Tiny Terror that have been modified with send/return mod. Is still possible to install your Orange or Marshall mod on my amp?

  8. Will this mod work on the orange OR15 head? Thanks

    1. Nope.It's only suitable for the Tiny Terror.

  9. Is it possible to use the mod with a micro terror or maybe with a micro dark?

  10. Sorry, unfortunately the mod only suits the Tiny Terror circuit.

  11. hello. I made the british glory mod few years ago add a choke as Michele told me... Is it fine to combine it with the orange glory mod?

    What is the differents between 1st and 2nd version of the british glory?

    At the end, is possible to got more drive (metal) without more tube?

  12. Hi. When will you have the Orange glory mod back in stock please?

  13. I have a pcb board tiny terror not the hand wired one. will this work!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Interesting post. I Have Been wondering about this issue, so thanks for posting. Pretty cool post.It 's really very nice and Useful post.Thanks uk vape juice shop

  16. Hello,
    Is this mod is doable on a tiny terror combo ?

  17. I would buy this if it were available.

  18. Hi guys ! I love your mods ! when it will be available ? Thanks for the reply !

  19. Hi there,
    Will any of your mods be available again any time soon?
    I'd be interested in either of them.

  20. Exellent I bought 2 Mods they are amazing !!!!
